All about Haiti right now

The devastation that the people of Haiti have experienced this week has broken my heart. To think that a natural disaster like an earthquake could cause more than 100,000 people to lose their lives and many, many more to be injured is difficult to comprehend.

One thing that is always on my mind is that life can change dramatically in an instant. A moment is all that it takes. A mere blink of an eye... and everything that you thought you knew about yourself, your ability, your life... just gone. Totally different. And in those life changing moments, you have an instant to decide whether to move forward or stand still. There's no turning back.

I keep thinking about the people in Haiti who live with critical and/or chronic illnesses -- like breast cancer patients and survivors -- and I wonder how they are doing. So much of the country is devastated and broken up. People are living in the street because the buildings are in shambles. It is so very sad.

What can we do? Contribute to reputable organizations who are coordinating relief efforts. Reach out to your friends, neighbors, co-workers who may have family in Haiti. They will need our support to get through this tragedy as well. I think a very important thing to do is to pray.

I am in prayer for my brothers and sisters in Haiti. Their needs are great and will be for quite some time.

Please pray with me and do whatever you feel led to do to assist.

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