Lymphedema, hot flashes and staying up all night

I've taken to staying up all night to work on the plans for my business. It isn't insomnia though because I am forcing myself to stay awake. I don't know what it is, but I seem to think more clearly, have more creative ideas in the middle of the night. Perhaps because all of the distractions aren't interrupting my thoughts.

The good thing is that I've gotten a lot done. The bad thing is that, for all that I've gotten done there is a whole lot more to do. In the meantime, I've fallen off the wagon with my eating and my exercise. The amazing thing for me about life after breast cancer is that I notice immediately when I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do. When I don't exercise or do my stretches, my arm movement is restricted. My muscles immediately stiffen if I don't stretch at least every other day. It is a good thing and also frustrating. One thing I have let slide is regularly massaging my left arm.

I constantly fall into the bad habit of thinking that I can forget about things for awhile and be okay. But, it just isn't true. I need to give myself a lymphatic massage at least once a week. Since my mind is so focused on the business, I have missed a few weeks and as a result my arm has felt slightly heavy and a bit tighter. I don't know what it will take for me to get it through my thick head that if I don't take complete care of myself, things will fall apart. I want to get it. I really do.

A few days (weeks?) ago I found one of my gauntlets that I thought I had lost during my travels this summer. I was so tickled to find it because replacing it was going to be a struggle. The picture above is of a compressing sleeve and a matching gauntlet (the piece that goes on the hand and looks like fingerless gloves). Using the sleeve without the gauntlet causes my hand to swell from the lymphatic fluid flowing the wrong way. And since I'm not massaging the way I should... the fluid isn't draining away from my arm properly.

*sad face*  I just have to do better.

On another note, my hot flashes have returned. Oh joy. I think it has something to do with my crazy sleep patterns now. But between the hours of midnight and 7:00am, I am a mess. I keep the fan blowing on me constantly. I'm wondering if I've become hooked on the steady cool breeze.

At any rate, those things while inconvenient, are minor. Life is still pretty good otherwise. I'm not sad about it. Once I'm in a better financial situation, I will have regular massages done. I am looking forward to handing that particular responsibility over to a professional. Regular massages are not a bad way of life. (smile)

What about you? Are you taking good care of yourself right now? Or have you begun to slip a little? The year is nearly 3/4 gone... there is still time to finish the year strongly and do better by yourself.

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